Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The "do nothing useful" 112th Congress - featuring John Boehner

In recent sessions of Congress, the first several bill numbers have been reserved by the leadership for priority bills. In the 112th Confress, bills H.R. 1 through H.R. 10 are top priorities of the majority leadership. So what are the priorities? Is job creation at the top? Nope!

The House is preparing to take up H.R. 4, "the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act of 2011."  Sounds reasonable right? What it actually is, in other an attempt to repeal the 1099 reporting provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Which the House already voted to completely repeal.

H.R. 1, turned out to be a full-year omnibus appropriations bill with $100 billion in cuts, and Republican attacks on Planned Parenthood. No jobs here, maybe next time.

H.R. 2 was the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and if enacted would result in lost jobs. Nice!

H.R. 3 hasn't made it to the floor yet, but focuses on... job creation... Hello?, Bueller? Bueller? No it's an attack on abortion rights. Well done lads.

H.R. 5, is a medical malpractice tort reform bill. This is a big, big talking point which will have little financial impact. Oh yeah, and no jobs will be created.

They haven't decided yet what H.R. 6 will be. Don't hold your breath for job creation.

Where are the jobs, Mr. Boehner?

Apparently America has told him to bring three attacks on health care, and two on abortion. If we lose some jobs, "so be it"

The White House and Nancy Pelosi should be hammering the shit out of this. The American people could use a big dose of the truth.

John Boehner = empty suit.

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