Sunday, February 08, 2015

National Prayer Breakfast speech prompts ugly GOP responses

Republican commentators and elected officials alike have a tendency to manufacture outrage in response to routine presidential comments, appearances and activities. Case in point, comments made by President Obama at the 2015 National Prayer Breakfast.

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia characterized the President’s remarks as “preaching political correctness and excuses” and showing “deference” to ISIL. Apparently reciting historical facts is considered by Westmoreland to be “criticism of Christian and American history”. There are no words in this speech, or any other for that matter, which could be construed as the President expressing respect or esteem for ISIS/ISIL. It does make one wonder what the hell Rep. Westmoreland is talking about and why he is so upset.

These are the actual words spoken by the President with respect to atrocities committed in the name of religion:

“Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Recounting historical fact is not and should not be construed as political correctness, excuse-making or criticism of Christianity. We’re all well aware that ISIS has recently committed horrendous, indefensible acts in the name of Islam. We all grapple with the contradictions of killing and torture in the name of God. Recent images and videos are disturbing. There haven’t always been documentarians able to share these stories in real time, but they have always happened. Throughout the course of human history human beings of all faiths have killed, tortured and abused others while claiming a divine rationale.

Predictably the “weak leadership” meme crept into Westmoreland’s diatribe. It is ironic that this president continues to lead extremely aggressive actions against ISIS and radical Islam, without excuses and without tolerance, for their profession of acting in the name of Islam.

There is no alternate reading of history at work here. The president is not condemning or persecuting Christians with his comments. This knee-jerk outrage response has become far too common. Rep. Westmoreland has no real point. He’s just a sore loser with no ideas of his own, and like many in a position of weakness on the wrong side of history he’s lashing out at the wrong things for all the wrong reasons.

Georgia deserves representation with integrity and decency. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland continues to come up short on both counts. Sadly he’s not alone in his unfounded attacks on the President. The only outrage here is that Westmoreland was sent back to Congress, virtually unopposed in the last election. Surely we can do better.