Monday, December 20, 2010

Pants On Fire!

The results of a poll taken by reflect reader opinions of the most significant political lies of 2010.

(drum roll)...and the winners are:

1. ObamaCare is a "government takeover" of health care.

The health care legislation is far from a government takeover, but the talking point is pervasive.So much so that despite the facts Republican spokes-dummies continue to beat the drum. John Boehner's website still displays this untruth.

What we got from the new law is a market-based system relying on private health insurance companies. There's an increase in government regulation under the new system, but nothing approaching a takeover.

On the up side, more people will be covered, exchanges are created to provide coverage for those having trouble getting coverage and Medicaid will be expanded.

We didn't get a single-payer system or a public option. These government-run plan ideas were dropped from the bill. Coverage will be paid the same way it is now, by private employers and individual premiums.

2. "The president of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day."

OK, can we all refer to Michele Bachmann as a total idiot and bold-faced liar NOW?

3. "The stimulus has not created one private sector job."

Gov.-elect Rick Scott, R-Fla., and others made this claim. Go to the website and roll the mouse over the state of Florida and you'll see over 60,000 jobs created as a direct result of stimulus monies. Sure, the unemployment rate is high, but the stimulus created jobs...period.

4. "Ninety-four percent of small businesses will face higher taxes under the Democrats' plan."

Ah, the Obama hates small business meme. btw Dinesh D'Souza's article "Obama's Problem With Business" in Business Week was a piece of crap!

5. The ethics report "exonerates me." -- Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y.

Oh Charlie!

6. "Taliban Dan" Webster thinks wives should submit to their husbands. -- Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla.

Apparently Democrats can use out of context quotes too!

7. "Phoenix is the No. 2 kidnapping capital of the world." -- Rep. John McCain, R-Ariz.

Blatantly false!

8. There is no specific #8. Simply listed as other....hmmmm?

9. Republicans want to dismantle or privatize Social Security. -- Florida Democratic Party and others.

This is a pants on fire distortion.

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