Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Obstructionists vs. Lame Ducks

Mitch McConnell and the Republican caucus in the Senate are playing a high-stakes game of poker today. Threatening to obstruct everything except what they, the minority, wish to vote on. Un-fucking-believable!

The Bush tax cuts, in place for 8 years, are about to expire. If the current unemployment numbers are any indication of the effectiveness of these "job-creating" tax cuts we should ALL be calling our representatives to call for their demise (not the representatives...the tax cuts). An extension of these tax cuts is now supposed to  magically create jobs. Based on what exactly?

The wealthiest beneficiaries of the tax cuts are in no way obligated to create jobs in 2011, nor were obligated to do so over the past 8 years. Evidence shows that they didn't do it in the past, and if history is any indicator, tax cuts won't lead to them creating jobs in the future.

The GOP has pulled the ultimate infantile maneuver with this illogical train wreck:

  • Don't do anything until the government is funded
  • Refuse to fund the government
  • Don't provide unemployment benefits until we cut taxers for rich people (thereby increasing the deficit and breaking campaign promises made before day one in office!)
Why do we elect people who hate government, and governing, and refuse to cooperate to do their job for the American people?

Envision the same approach in the private sector. Imagine a company hiring an employee who refuses to work with anyone else in the office and whose only goal is the get everyone else fired. That describes these ass-clown Republicans in the U.S. Senate, and it will only get worse after the swearing in next month.

Why do we have to live through this bullshit AGAIN to get to the next pendulum swing? We were not born yesterday, were we?

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