Hypocrites or Liars...you make the call
This notion posted by the Rude Pundit struck a chord with me:
"You know, the politicians who would let an oil company do what it wants with the safety of its workers are very often the same ones who would tell a woman what to do with her body."
The leak rate from the pipe to the center of the earth, is now spewing many times more barrels per day than were initially reported. If they'd have plugged it sooner we probably wouldn't ever have discovered THIS inconvenient truth.
Republican mantra is that Government intervention is bad when applied to business, but perfectly acceptable when applied to Terry Schiavo or any woman making a legal choice to terminate a pregnancy. The reasons for this choice don't matter. It's legal. You can keep your moral judgements for things that YOU decide to do in your own life.
Government regulation, oversight, monitoring, intervention, meddling, call it what you will, is necessary to protect the people from the banksters, shucksters and profiteers. Third party, impartial oversight has gone missing in many segments of industry and finance. This started during Reagan and has continued until just recently when several houses of cards collapsed before us. These facts don't seem to deter right-wing nut jobs from decrying the gummint and it's evil henchman Barrack Hussein Obama.
If corporations can now be considered people, then some of those people need to be punished. This is not Obama's Katrina. it's Dick Cheney's legacy.