Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Debunking GOP debate talking points

Contrary to the bloviating Newtser, Ben Bernake is not the most inflationary Fed Chairman in history.

Despite what all of the GOP candidates have to say about tax cuts, they are not good for growth.

American companies are not over regulated.

The Mexican border is not out of control and super scary.

Obama's plan to resuscitate the economy, including getting rich people to pay more tax, is not radical socialism.

Sorry Handsome Rick! Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme and it's not broke.

The earth is not getting cooler.

Any questions?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Not so fast there Handsome Rick!

It's all very tiring, trying not to throw up on one's self and to keep up with who's on top, as Deathmatch 2012 winds its way through the gauntlet of debates and straw polls fueled by deep fried sticks of butter.

Results of the Florida straw poll: Cain 37%, Perry 15%, Romney 14%, Rick Santorum 11%, Paul 10%, Newt Gingrich 8%, Jon Huntsman 2%, Bachmann less than 2%.

37%....Really! How does this happen? Who was voting in this thing?

Maybe we should simply conclude that straw polls are not a valid indicator of where things will be in a primary. After all we've had other straw poll winners in this silly season. Bachmann won in Iowa and now she's in the cellar.

The base is not content. Perry didn't bring it. Romneycare makes Mitt unacceptable to the right. Santorum is ridiculous. Paul gets alternately booed and cheered. Newt is show-boating and not at all serious and Huntsman is too damned moderate for the tea-baggers. Bachmann is toast.

So who's on next? Christie....doubt it. Jeb Bush....nope. Sarah way.

Mitt's gonna ride out the storm for the next 6 months and emerge as the least worst candidate the GOP can muster. By the time the primaries start to happen, he will have been torn to shreds by the other candidates from his own party. That's good news for Obama.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Goofy Times in Orlando

The FAUX News Republican Presidential Debate - Hosted by the vapid, yet well-manicured Brett Baier Sponsored by FAUX News and Google

Before we start I feel like I have to ask…Can this really be called a presidential debate?

OK let’s move on in a self-aware state of denial.

Tonight we’re streaming on YouTube …alongside the Dookie Cannonball guy and Mr. Balloon Hands…”Get Real!”

The candidates are already podiated …so let’s get this party started.

Thumbs up from Handsome Rick, a royal wave from The Mittster, a quick raise of the eyebrows from Congressman Paul, a starchey perma-smile from googley-eyes Bachmann, a relaxed slouch from super-giant-brain, former-Speaker Gingrich, a salute from pizza-boy Cain, a giant spread-finger uncomfortable wave from Google—me Santorum, a twitch and a salute from that reasonable guy and …. wait a minute! Who’s that guy? Big Johnson? With the LIVESTRONG bracelet and the bad hair. OK this might be interesting after all. Fresh blood in the arena! Spartacus!

Joining Brett (BB) at his “big desk” are FAUX News regulars Megyn “I may interrupt you” Kelley (MK) and Chris “registered Democrat” Wallace (CW).

Let’s look at the Google map with lots of pins, and our first YouTube video question:

“I’m a small business owner with no confidence. I’d like to throw you a high, hanging curveball. How can you guys make me, a small business owner, feel all warm and fuzzy in these troubling times?”

What a surprise we’re gonna hear from Handsome Rick first!

Cameo for Rick Scott right over there (with a VP nod perhaps).

Perry: “The great state of Texas has lowered taxes, deregulated and told damaged plaintiffs not to sue doctors in Texas” Yeehaw! “Government bad! I’m going to Washington!”

Oh and a follow up for Handsome Rick as Brett gets serious. “We want details!” “Where’s your jobs plan dude?”

Perry: “Umm you’ll see one, blah blah blah, Texas, taxes, deregulation, blah, blah, blah, Texas, Rick Scott.. shout out homey!”

BB: “Mitt after I criticize you vicariously through the WSJ editorial board (Hello Rupert!) and call your plan timid and tactical, how do you respond?”

Romney: ”Check…check…one…two…sibilance…check…one…check…one” “Obama bad!” “I have had a job.” “Cheaters like China!” “I have 59 points!”

BB: “What is rich?”

Romney: “Everyone should be rich!” “Obama bad!”

MK: “This one’s for you Googley-eyes. It’s a question from the last debate. How much of my income do I deserve to keep?”

Wait before she answers I have to ask…Is it Christmas already? WTF is she wearing? Oh and Megyn’s eyelashes look fabulous!

Bachmann: “I wish I could have answered that last time!” “Taxes bad!” “Obama bad!” “Government bad!” “Keep your money, but pay some to the government…of course!” “Am I still talking?” “I know I’m still smiling, cause my face hurts.”

MK: “Santorum this one’s for you via a YouTube video….Right to work or the right to get fucked over by your corporate master…Which do you prefer?”

Santorum: “Public worker unions bad!” “Let me reel off some bullshit wage numbers about how much money teachers and fireman make.” “I do not believe that unions should be involved in unions!” “Unions bad!” “No negotiations of wages and benefits!” “Fuck you!”

(tea-bagger cheers)

MK: “Newt you criticized giving people money for nothing and their chicks for free.” (a.k.a. unemployment benefits) “As president , how would you tell the unemployed to go fuck themselves?”

Gingrich: “The government will train you if you want to collect unemployment….you know the same shitty government that I complain about… yeah that one!” “Mandatory training, but not from Washington!” “I am spinning really fast and I’m getting kind of dizzy!”

CW: “Governor Huntsman…You are far too reasonable to be on this stage so I’m now going to tie you to Solyndra and make you defend green energy bullshit. Good luck asshole!”

Huntsman: “Thanks Chris!” “My wife is awesome!” “We have to fix the un-natural economy!” “Can’t we all just get along?” “We’re broke!” “Natural gas good!”

CW: “You’re for government subsidies!” “I’m taking you down mother-fucker!”

Huntsman: “I am a reasonable man!”

CW: “Mr. Cain can I get you to say 999 a few more times?”

Cain: (smiling broadly) “999!” “I am a businessman!” “Taxes bad!” “999!” “Romney bad!”

CW: “Whadya got Mitt?”

Romney: “Obama bad!” “Taxes bad!”

CW: “Congressman Paul a question from some earnest YouTube folks. “How do plan to retore the 10th Amendment?” “Government bad!”

(tea-bagger cheers)

Paul: “Veto all bills violating the 10th amendment!” “Government bad!” “Public schools bad!” Healthcare bad!”

BB: “OK new guy, whatcha got?”

Johnson: “I am fresh!” “I have experiences!” “I have promises!” “I am the veto-ing-est governor evah!”

44% of googlers say rich is having an income of over $1 million

(commercial break) red meat teaser…BB: “We’re gonna talk about illegals after the break!” (xenophobes united)…Drive movie promo…GE Capital the NBA and Wendy’s all in one…AUDI…RoomsToGo…Prime Suspect…RoomsToGo again…

Rick “Skeletor” Scott: “I might be drunk!” “Republicans can steal Florida again!” (wink, wink)

MK: “Rick…Mitt has been pounding you on Social Security. How the hell are fifty separate state run programs supposed to work? Seriously dude!”

Perry: “You’ve got nothing to worry about!” “This Ponzi scheme is awesome!”

Romney: “Rick’s book… bad!” “Social Security good!”

Perry: “Mitt’s book…bad!”

Romney: “Oh…Oh….you want to go?” “Well actually it’s like this…blah, blah, blah.” “My book good!”

MK: “Mitt how much of a socialist is Obama?”

Romney: “Obama is a liberal!” “You’re not gonna make me say socialist!” “Capitalism good!” “Government bad!” “I was a governor!”

MK: “Americans think that tax increases on the wealthy are good. What say you?”

Huntsman: “Reagan!” “Percentages, details, blah, blah blah” “Obama bad!”

MK: YouTube vidiot “Which government department would you shitcan?

Cain: (smiling broadly at the softball question) “EPA!” “Breathe that shit!” “Government Gone Wild!” “Dust!...Really?” “Chilean retirement accounts!”

MK: “The government is broke! Newt what do you think?”

Gingrich: “Government bad!” “Next week I’ll have a big, not so much” “Reagan!” “Obama…socialist!

YouTube question: “Public schools suck! How can you fix them?”

Johnson: “Balanced budget!” Department of Education bad!”

Santorum: “Government bad!” “Parents good!”

Gingrich: “Shrinkage good!” “Regulation bad!”

Paul: “Government bad!” “Opt out!”

Perry: “I agree!” “Romney bad!”

Romney: “Fuck you Rick!” “Parents good!” “Teachers unions bad!”

Bachmann: “Education bad!” “States good!”

Cain: “Government bad!”

Huntsman: “I have a lot of kids!” “I am reasonable and verbose!” “Localize!”

CW: “Keep your googley eyes on me!” “State or federal enforcement of immigration laws?”

Bachmann: “Government bad!” “Obama bad… and mean for suing Arizona!” “Build a big fucking fence!” “Deprive Mexican kids of healthcare!”

YouTube question: “e-verify?”

Gingrich: “Give it to credit card companies.” “100% government control of the border, and the official language, and the visa system.” Oh wait…does that contradict my earlier government bad remarks?” “Oh shit…. I’m spinning out of control!”

CW: “Mitt you criticized Handsome Rick.” “What’s your idea?”

Romney: “I don’t understand what Rick is doing!” “Mexicans are going to school in Texas!” “WTF!”

CW: “Rick you are allowing illegals in!” “Why?”

Perry: “My border is long!” “Texas!” “Texans!” “Mexicans!” “Viva La Raza!” “Only four die-senting votes!”

CW: “Santorum what’s your beef?”

Santorum: “Rick, why am I paying for the Mexican kids to go to school?” “Perry bad!”

Perry: “A 1,200 mile fence?” “Really?” “Boots on the ground!”

Paul: “Regulation bad!” “Taxes bad!” “Data banks bad!”

Stupid statistics from Shannon

(commercial break) Infiniti…Chevron…citibank (downgraded)…Delta…FedEx…GE…Siemens

BB: “Israel!”

YouTube guy: “UN …Palestinians…existential threats?”

Romney: “Keep your friends close!” “Obama bad!” “Israel!” “Iran bad!”

Cain: “Reagan!” “I’ve been to Israel!” “Don’t mess with me…I’m a BAD man!”

BB: “Pakistan is scary!” “How would you save us handsome Rick?”

Perry: “Obama bad!” “I have little actual information, so I’ll blather on for 30 seconds sounding strong-ish.”

BB: “Iraq is still scary!”

Santorum: “Listen to the generals!” “20…30 thousand troops…whatever.” “Victory!” “Pakistan is our friend!”

Gingrich: “International assistance good!” “United Nations bad!” “Pakistan is scary!” “Be afraid!”

BB: “Cuba?”

Johnson: “We’re broke!” “Balanced budget!”

Bachmann: “Cuba is scary!”

Huntsman: “Santorum bad!” “War bad!”

Santorum: “America good!” “War good!” One hand tied behind our generals… or genitals?”

Huntsman: “Whatever!”

MK: “Public schools and religion?”

Bachmann: “Jefferson!” “I’m religious!” “God!”

YouTube gay soldier: “Where do you come down on DADT?”

Santorum: “No sex in the army!” “No gay privileges!”

(tea-bagger cheering)

MK: “OK so what would you do Rick?”

Santorum: “Reinstitute DADT.”

MK: “Congressman Paul, how dare you support abortion for rape victims and the morning after pill?” (Sounds like a question but it’s not)

Paul: “I respect life, not laws!”

MK: “Governor Perry, how are you unlike W?”

Perry: “I love W!” “I’m different than W” “Government bad!”

BB: “Obamacare?” “Let’s get it on!”

CW: “Mr. Cain, you survived cancer. Obamacare would have killed you right?”

Cain: “I was able to afford great care, because I’m a rich bi-ness-man!” “Fuck you poor people!”

CW: “Obamacare bad!”

YouTube guy: “Obamacare good!”

Huntsman: “I have kids.” “Uncertainty in the marketplace, blah, blah, blah France…Utah…percetages…blah, blah, blah.

CW: “You criticized handsome Rick about the HPV vaccine. How dare you?”

Bachmann: “HPV is not something for government to address!” “Merck bad!”

Perry: “Life good!”

CW: “Texas is the most uninsured state in the country.”

Perry: “Medicaid bad!” “Options good!” “Texas good!”

Romney: “I will politely disagree with Handsome Rick and waffle for a minute on Romneycare.” “Obamacare bad!”

Perry: “Which Mitt are we looking at here?” “Um, er, um, er”

Romney: “Nice try!” “My book…good!” “Rick’s book…bad!”

(commercial break) Infiniti……Chevron…CSX…Uloric…Aviva

BB: “Bloomberg is scared about the unemployed rising up” “Hope and change isn’t here!”

Hunstman: “1. Taxes bad! 2. Regulations bad! 3. Natural gas good!”

Cain: “999” “Government bad!” “Reagan!”

Bachmann: “Obamacare bad!”

Romney: “I can relate to middle America.” “America!”

Perry: “Obamacare bad!” “Regulations bad!” “Taxes bad!”

Paul: “Government bad!” “Taxes bad!” “Regulations bad!”

Gingrich: “Years ago I loved Reagan!” “I still quote him today”

Santorum: “Reagan!” “God!” “Freedom!” “Obama bad!”

Johnson: Best line of the night “dogshit is shovel ready!” “Taxes bad!”

(commercial break) RoomsToGo…SCANA…RoomsToGo

YouTube guy: “Pick your favorite running mate from this band of crazies”

Johnson: “Ron Paul”

Santorum: “Newt”

Gingrich: “As usual, I won’t answer your question.”

Paul: “It’s too early for me to fuck up my chances”

Perry: “Cain and Newt’s love child.”

Romney: “Waffle…blah, blah…Obama bad!” “I disagree with everyone here.”

Bachmann: “Constitution good!” “Obama bad!”

Cain: “Romney…or maybe Newt”

Huntsman: “Cain for stupid reasons” “I still don’t have a joke writer”

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The success of the Auto Industry "bail out"

E.J. Dionne has a pragmatic view of policies that actually work and why we should support good ideas to bolster the American (a.k.a. the world) economy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The CNN Tea Party Republican Crazyfest 2011

Romney, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum, Cain, Gingrich, Paul, Huntsman.....who else? Palin? Jeb Bush? Bueller? Bueller?

Should we give a shit? Yes, if we want to prevent one of these fools from occupying the White House in 2012.

I'm watching this and summarizing the debate points, so that you don't have to. You can thank me later.

And they enter as if it's a UFC cage match, to a booming theme and enthusiastic hoopin' and a-hollerin', followed by a very disturbing rendition of the national anthem. Who the hell was that?

The set looks like the Jeopardy Tournament of Champions. Let's get ready to rumble and see who moves to the right or god-forbid the left of handsome Rick.

OK Wolf let's go to questions...

Tea Party activist #1: How do we get Social Security security?

Bachmann: "...Obama stole $500 Billion out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare..." Yow!

Ponzi-scheme Perry: "Slam dunk guaranteed, Social Security will be there" Now that's the way to defend a ponzi scheme Rick. "Oh yeah, and Obama lied."

Romney: Going on the Perry attack, quoting from his book. Romney says his book is better. Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah!

Perry: "It's not appropriate to do what we did in the past."

Perry-Romney-Romney-Perry zing pow bam boom.

Paul: "It's broke" "End the wars and other nonsense"

Cain: "Galveston Oh Galveston"

Huntsman: "Can't we all just get along?"

Gingrich: "I don't like your question so I'll just make up my own point" "Obama scares old people" "Don't let the president lie to you!"

Santorum: "I don't want to choose between Mitt and Rick" "Pick me I'm brave!"

Tea Party question #2: "How do we balance the budget and cut spending?"

Gingrich: The guy with the old ideas says "Modernize the government" "Government Bad!" "Government Crooks"

Santorum: "I'm still brave!" "Don't throw grandma off the cliff!"

Perry: "Texas cut all the useful jobs, otherwise known as waste and fraud."

Romney: "I've got some plans, but you won't understand them because you're too bored to pay attention to me"

Paul: "I've got facts that no one else agrees with." "Get rid of the Department's of Education and Energy."

Bachmann: "The government buys people too much stuff and pays the shipping costs" ...but ..."we need to own stuff"

[commercial break] (brought to you by the letter C)...Clean Coal...Cadillac...Clean Coal...Citracal...CNN...Cindy Crawford...Cheney

Are they going to talk about jobs after the break? I bet they are!

Tea Party question #3: "What's your economic plan?"

Huntsman: "It's a great American tragedy" "I'm much too reasonable to be taken seriously!" He said "wean"!

Perry: "Obama created zero jobs!" "Taxes and deregulation stimulate the risk-takers" "Government bad!"

Bachmann: "Stop giving Obama money, he stole enough already." 'Government bad!"

Cain: "We're on life support" "Government bad!" "999" "999" "I'm black and I'm bold and I annunciate"

Romney: "Texas is great!" "It's a smartphone world" "It's a hard-knock life" I'm gonna sing now because I can see I'm boring you" "I need more rhymes to go with my seven points." "I'm still talking" "Texas is great!" "I'm gonna turn around now."

Perry: "Tort Reform!"

Paul: "I live in Texas and Perry raised my taxes." "End the war in Iraq!"

Perry: "All my tax cuts live in Texas!"

Gingrich: "I'm smarter than you and my history is better than yours" "Reagan!"

Cain: "I'm a worker and so were my parents"

Huntsman: "We need more workers!" "I'm being reasonable and serious again" "My joke writer is out sick." "Seriously, I have not one single witty retort."

Tea Party question #4: "What is your position on the Federal Reserve?"

Santorum: "Charter, charter, charter." "Barack Obama isn't good enough to be a disaster" "No taxes on made in America"

Cain: "How much is a dollar worth?" "Can we exchange our money in Canada?"

Bachmann: "I'm still against saving the American economy!" "Down with Ben Bernanke"

Perry: "It's almost treason... that's almost a fact!"

Romney: "Captain Obvious rides again!" "Let me ask myself a question"

Tea Party question #5: "For every dollar I earn, how much do I deserve to keep?"

Huntsman: "Reasonableness in percentages... 8, 14, 21 whatever?" "Debt cancer will eat you!"

Gingrich: "GE bad!" Green loopholes bad!" "The Obama Depression bad!"

Tea Party question #6: "Would anyone support the fair tax?"

Romney: "Blah, blah, blah" "Taxes bad!"

Tea Party question #7: "Executive Orders... yay or nay?"

Paul: "Gross abuse!"

Perry: "I made a mistake with HPV immunization!" "Executive Orders are good... to eliminate Obamacare"

Bachmann: "Rick Perry is hurting little girls!" "Obama is aborting little babies"

Perry: "I wanted to stop a cancer, a virus... whatever you want to call it"

Bachmann: "Rick Perry gave political favor to Merck" "Save the little girls!"

Perry: "I didn't need their $5K" "It takes millions to bribe me"

Santorum: "I am not a doctor but I stayed at a Holiday Inn" "Save the little girls"

Tea Party question #8: "How would you reduce the cost of healthcare?"

Cain: "Obamacare bad!" "999" "Did I mention that I ran the National Restaurant Association?"

Romney: "I agree with everyone except Rick" "Obamacare bad!"

Perry: "Obamacare bad!" "Romneycare bad!"

Romney: "Obama raised taxes and cut Medicare" "I'm not sure how this answers the question, blah, blah, blah"

Paul: "Freedom is about choosing to suffer... if you don't buy insurance"

Tea Party crowd [chanting]: "Let him die!" "Let him die!"

Bachmann: "Obamacare bad!" "2012 is the threshold of socialism." "Obama wrote bad checks" "I should be committed!"

[commercial break] Cadillac...Natural gas "we're safe"...Shatner!...FedEx...Wolf with a teaser about the next segment...Exxon Mobil...CNN...Xfinity...Toyota of Newnan!...CNN

Tea Party question #9: "What would you do to remove illegal immigrants from the US?"

Santorum: "I'm not like Rick Perry" "I'm from immigrant parents"

Perry: "Government bad!" "We need federal government help"

Twitter question?: "Other than speaking Bloombito, what are the candidates doing to attract Latinos?"

Santorum: "Rick put illegals into Texas schools" "Rick bad!" "I am not a salad!"

Perry: "Mexicans can go to school in Texas"

Bachmann: "Don't help the Mexicans!" "Learn American history, like me!"

Perry: "Don't hate me because I'm courting the latino vote!"

Huntsman: "Rick is treasonous!"

Romney: "Latinos are Republicans!"

Perry: "Quit picking on me everybody!" "I want the latino vote just like all y'all"

Huntsman: "Romney bad!" "Reasonable and honest, that's me!"

Tea Party question #10: "US coal, oil gas, uranium good!...No?"

Cain: "EPA bad!" "Regulation bad!"

Twitter question: "Do you plan to decrease defense spending, or do you believe..." no reason to continue  Ron Paul will be the only one to say decrease.

Gingrich: "Be afraid!" "The terrorists are coming!" "It's all very frightening!"

Paul: "Cut spending" "End the wars!"

Santorum: "Ron Paul bad!"

Tea Party question #11: "As the next president, what will you do to protect Afghan women and children from the radicals?"

Huntsman: "End the war!" "Reagan!" "We're not shiny enough!"

Perry: "End the" "That country, what was the name of that country again?"

[commercial break] Clean Coal...CNN...Clean Coal...Edward Jones...UPS...Capella University...AFLAC...

Wolf: "What would you bring to the White House?"

Santorum: "I have a lot of kids"

Gingrich: "I'd add ballet"

Paul: "Austrian economics"

Perry: "My beautiful wife" "I'm getting laiiiid toniiiiight!"

Romney: "...because we've made a lot of mistakes...Winston Churchill's bust"...WTF!

Bachmann: "Historical documents (that I need to study)"

Cain: "Jokes"

Huntsman: "My Harley...if my wife will let me"

Final Tally on talking opportunities:

Perry - 20
Romney - 11
Bachmann - 9
Santorum - 8
Huntsman - 8
Cain - 7
Paul - 7
Gingrich - 6

Hmmm? Perry got a lot of time, and a lot of attention from the rest of the field.

...and the winner is President Obama!