Friday, November 13, 2009


Listening to the right-wing talkers this week, it's pretty obvious that the cheat-sheet, their all taking their talking points from, invloves defining the Ft. Hood incident as terrorism. If you invest the time to take in information from multiple media sources can see this pattern. This happens with every news story, and it happens on the left and the right. Conservatives happen to be much more organized about getting the word out.

In this case, I predict that this effort to paint this tragedy as terrorism is premeditated, and that come election time we'll hear how this horrible TERRORISM happened on Obama's watch. Never mind that 9/11 happened on Bush's watch, or that this latest nut-job showed signs of his ties to radical Islam for the past several years dating back to 2007 when he gave presentations to his colleagues about the opression of Muslims worldwide, in the guise of an environmental health issue.

Hear me now, believe me later!

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