The Dawn of the Trump Era
I have neglected this blog for quite some time. Instead turning inwards to reflect on our state of affairs and to spend valuable time with our growing family. We welcomed our fourth grandchild into the world last Friday. As I try to imagine the world these little beauties will inherit from us, I am compelled once again to do my small part, through actions and constructive criticism, by attempting to influence those in government making decisions about our collective future.
Ideas about how to proceed don't arrive fully formed. I'm not always sure about how or when to act and where I should prioritize my time and efforts.You can help with your feedback and insight. Let me know when I'm off track. Share your stories and send me links which you feel are pertinent to the subject at hand.
My interests are many and varied. This blog will focus mainly on politics. I have been deeply distressed in the wake of the recent US Presidential election and intend to do all in my limited power to expose the many contradictions, half-truths and outright lies of Donald Trump and his band of kleptocrats.
The latest atrocity of note is the House seeking to remove ethical oversight of themselves by dissolving the Office of Congressional Ethics. Thankfully, a day after secretly voting for this in a strictly partisan vote, the GOP have come to their senses and reversed themselves. While the final outcome is looking more hopeful, the fact that this was proceeding for even a moment is deeply concerning. If ever we needed government ethics oversight, it's now in the dawning of the Trump era.