Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Newt Totally Gets OWS!

Actual Audio: Newt Gingrich Totally Gets Occupy Wall Street from scottbateman on Vimeo.

Pompous windbags indeed!

Love these actual audio animations. It's much like Tina Fey using Palin's actual words as comedic content.

I read somewhere this week that Newt Gingrich is considered to be a really smart guy... provided of course that you are a really dumb guy.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

What if the 2nd coming actually came?

In today's divisive political climate, the Son of Man would not be well received by neo-conservatives, evangelicals and tea-bagging wingnuts.

Can you imagine our Lord and Saviour appearing amongst the OWS crowd? The response from the right to a homeless man espousing socialist principles would make the OPD response seem tame. There would be the inevitable skull cracking, illegal detention and calls for criminal prosecution of the very same saviour to whom the right wing crowd claim an unbreakable allegiance.

The criminal insanity of, what are now mainstream, conservative politicians and candidates demonstrates their total lack of empathy for other people not lucky enough to be born into financial security.

Can't find a job - you must be lazy.
Can't afford insurance - too bad, it's not a right and by the way you're too fat.
Can't afford college - not our problem really.
Can't afford food - go to your local church. Oh you don't have a church....No soup for you!
Can't afford to retire - OK we'll raise the retirement age for you.

Given their total lack of concern for the citizenry at large, how can anyone, self-identified as part of the 99%, continue to vote against their own self interests? How is it that this collection of liars and hypocrites has managed to bamboozle the voting public?

The FAUX news propaganda channel certainly helps. People tune in day-after-day and start to believe the BS. I've seen it with members of my own family, completely transfixed by the messages of fear and loathing of the "the other". They have forgotten their values, their ethical foundation and their empathy. Jesus might not recognize them.